The Croft
Our 24 acre croft is situated in the village of Gress on the shores of Broad Bay on the east coast of the Isle of Lewis. It is unusually large for Lewis and this is because it has little arable land and a great deal of what is considered marginal land. It encompasses a wide range of habitats including machair, species-rich grassland, coastal heath, wet heath and blanket bog. Native Highland cattle are the perfect eco-grazers and are ideally suited to the management and conservation of this type of ground. They benefit from the wide variety of grazing, and careful management ensures that the diverse range of flora and fauna are protected and allowed to flourish. We also have the additional feature of a beautiful burn, Allt Ath Leoid, which runs through our garden and the southern end of the croft. We planted a variety of evergreen and deciduous trees by the burn almost thirty years ago and these are now mature and form a shelter area as well as supporting a wide variety of birdlife.